Vacuum Table Release Adjustments
If the material is still holding suction after master Vacuum Flow is turned off or during unloading with the unloading arm, verify zones and or adjust parameters as needed:
Verifying your Vacuum Zones
- Clear your table so you have only a clean spoil board.
- Ensure all zones are open (verify Vacuum Zone Setup Picture 1)
- Turn on the vacuum(s), turn on then off Vacuum Hold Down
- With Vacuum Hold Down off (blue) use a 2’ x 2’ 3/4" melamine or finished ply or equivalent to verify all zones are closed. Slide the sample material over every zone.
If every zone is closed and there is no suction trying to hold the sample part proceed to the next step of changing parameters.
If a zone is not closing all the way and holding the material with the Vacuum Hold Down off (blue), then contact customer support to check the zone actuator valve and solenoid for that zone.
Vacuum hold and release settings
Once the master Vacuum Hold Down is turned off (blue), the machine will automatically input air into the vacuum system to help release the vacuum hold. This air flow time can be increased or decreased using Perimeter 3425
Unloading arm timing operation settings can also be updated. Once you manually or automatically have the unloading arm start its operation the Vacuum Hold Down automaticity turns off. The unloading arm has a built-in timing pause to allow the material to disengaged from the hold down. This pause time can be increased or decreased using Perimeter 3436
Changing Parameters
Accessing Parameter screen press ESC 3 times
At the bottom tab line Select double arrow >> on bottom right of screen (Screen picture 2)
From the bottom tab line Select F3 Pram. (Screen picture 3)
Select F5 Goto Param. and input parameter number to change (Screen picture 4)
Select the value you want to change. It will highlight yellow
Input the new variable, which will show up in the blue command line (Screen picture 5)
Press Enter to update current variable.
PDF Attached with pictures
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